Case Study - Camp LeJeune Just Act

“Truth never damages a cause that is just.”

– Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

In June 2021, Mirena and Company was engaged to help raise capital for lobbying efforts aimed at passing the Camp Lejeune Justice Act as part of the PACT Act of 2022. Recognizing the urgency of this initiative, we leveraged our extensive experience in litigation finance to support strategic efforts in advocating for justice for those affected by contaminated water exposure at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune.

Through our capital-raising efforts and consulting services, we were able to help leadership firms revive a case that had been stalled and unsuccessful for almost a decade. By persistently working with firms across the country, educating them on the case, and rallying support for key firms, the momentum behind Camp Lejeune grew exponentially. These efforts were instrumental in transforming what was once a stagnant effort into one of the largest litigations in U.S. history.

Following this success, Mirena and Company raised an additional $300 million in capital for law firms around the country to acquire cases, assisted in building infrastructure, call centers, and technology to support the volume of claims. This investment allowed firms to scale their operations, streamline case management, and ensure claimants received the highest level of legal representation.

Mirena and Company played a pivotal role in securing the financial resources necessary to drive this legislative victory. Our ability to mobilize capital efficiently and align with advocacy efforts underscores our commitment to justice beyond the courtroom—transforming lives by ensuring those impacted by injustice have the means to seek redress. Through strategic funding and financial stewardship, we continue to support law firms nationwide as they navigate complex mass litigation, reinforcing our mission to architect justice at every level.

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