Settlement Services - Government Benefits

Medicare and Medicaid Optimization and Protection

Medicare Set-Aside Arrangements

A Medicare Set-Aside account, or MSA, is a special kind of trust arising from the settlement of a worker’s compensation or personal injury claim. Funded by the estimated cost of future medical treatments related to the injury, the set-aside will allow the claimant to receive Medicare benefits only after the lump sum or structured trust is exhausted.

Mirena’s team helps claimants and their attorneys navigate Medicare’s complex MSA provisions, determine the ideal set-aside amount, and provide guidance in setting up an MSA account.

Special Needs Trusts

A Special Needs Trust (SNT) or Pooled Special Needs Trust (PSNT) may help you maintain eligibility to needs-based government benefits such as Medicaid or Social Security Income when set up in accordance with your state Medicaid law. Once set up, eligible supplemental purchases may be made for the beneficiary’s sole benefit for necessities not covered by government benefits.

How can Mirena & Company assist your firm?